Thursday, April 5, 2007

April Frogs

This week Jaren's First Grade class read the book The April Rabbits by David Cleveland.

The kids were encouraged to write their own version of this story.
Click here to read Jaren's story April Frogs.

Wrong Again!

It was not 6 inches of snow.. It was THIRTEEN!!

The kids were looking forward to going outside to play since it's a SNOW DAY but this late in the season their snow pants have huge rips in the knees and they destroyed their snow boots in the previously blogged "pond" so it looks like I'll be doing some emergency snow gear repairs this morning.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I guess I spoke too soon!

We are expecting over 6 inches of snow by morning!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Spring is officially here!

We had a such a beautiful weekend! Mud season is in full swing with the melting snow. I spent 2 hours grooming one of my dogs to help cut down on the mud he tracks in. I also spent the weekend working in the back yard trying to prepare the land for planting grass. Yes, I know fall is the time to plant grass seed but we need a quick cover to hold the soil in place or else my daylight basement will be under ground!

But aside from yard work the true signs of spring arrived this morning. We saw our first robin of the year AND our ducks made their annual visit to our temporary pond. They will probably stay a day or two then move on.