Saturday, August 22, 2009

Progress on several fronts

Number 60. 20 books - I completed the first book last night. It was No More Mondays by Dan Miller. It's a book about taking the plunge and going from being an employee to running your own business. Not much on the way of step by step instruction but a lot of encouragment to alleviate the fear of such a big move. It was good but since I am not currently employed at all it didn't do much for me. I'll have my husband read it next.

Number 2. Declutter. When I started this project yesterday I didn't even think to take before pictures or even log in my time. But it took HOURS. What did we do? We emptied the kids cubbies out to be ready for the new school year. WOW what a mess. I also sorted through a huge box of kids craft supplies trying to come up with a complete set of colored pencils, and boxes of 24 crayons. I did not want to buy another set of school supplies when I KNEW I had a ton just sitting around. We ended up with 5 full sets of colored pencils and more crayons than I could count. If any family members are reading, expect some interesting crayon craft from the kids for Christmas!

Number 4. Clean and detail the mini van . SIGH another lost opportunity for a before and after photo. I did spend quite a long time pulling out the trash and vacuuming so now it's finally presentable. It still needs to be washed inside and out.

Progress, progress! Look out day 1001 I'm coming!

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