Then I started bargaining with myself that I could give myself just one slip up and just keep counting. Everyone deserves a little lee way right?
That led to feelings of being a cheetah. I started to think about what my list of 101 things really is. Some of it is a to do list but some of it is a list of challenges, things to strive for. Are these two goals items to just check off and never revisit ( like painting the shed) or are these ongoing items?
These are goals and ideals that I WANT to make a HABIT, a daily occurrence. After day 30 I don't intend to just cross it off and be done with it. These habits should stick with me the whole 1001 days and beyond.
With a happy heart I decided to restart the counter at one I have 983 days to go. Surely somewhere in there I'll hit 30 consecutive days. If I get to the last 30 days and haven't completed the goal I'll set an alarm clock to wake me up at 11:30 each night so I can be sure to finish my daily goals before midnight.
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