Saturday, September 12, 2009
Score! I think?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009
I will NOT be a CHEETAH

Friday, August 28, 2009

Did I save? Or didn't I?

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Turtle Hatchings!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
5. Shine sink for 28 days
Monday, August 24, 2009
I'm well adjusted
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Dum Dums to the rescue
Number 70. Get Strider to sleep in his own bed. This has been one of our most difficult challenges we've had with Strider. None of the other boys had trouble sleeping on their own. By 18 months they all happily said good night and climbed into their own beds and stayed there. Strider is different. Well maybe HE'S not different, we are. We are older and more tired. The effort of laying on the floor and waiting for him to fall asleep and trying to sneak out was too much. It was so much easier to let him fall asleep on our bed then move him later but then he ALWAYS comes back. And if we were too tired and lazy at 9pm to make him stay in bed, we were MORE lazy at 3 am. So this dragged on for YEARS. He is now 4 years old.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Progress on several fronts
Number 60. 20 books - I completed the first book last night. It was No More Mondays by Dan Miller. It's a book about taking the plunge and going from being an employee to running your own business. Not much on the way of step by step instruction but a lot of encouragment to alleviate the fear of such a big move. It was good but since I am not currently employed at all it didn't do much for me. I'll have my husband read it next.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
70. Visit a Chiropractor
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My 101 in 1001 by O&OOC
Start date August 18, 2009
Finish Date May 15, 2012
Household (15 items 1 complete!)
1. No New Pets for 1001 days (25/1001)
2. Declutter for 101 hours ( not consecutively) (8/101)
3. Learn to successfully groom Shuto ( the shih tzu)
4. Clean and Detail the minivan 8/27/2009
5. Shine sink for 28 days (8/28)
6. Burn all digital photos to DVD/CD
7. Backup all files to external HD
8. Repaint Bathroom cabinets
9. Repaint Kitchen cabinets
10. Finish fireplace mantel and hearth
11. Insulate and finish off attic space
12. Add trim and finish painting shed
13. Hire a roofer
14. Paint garage
15. Do a project alone that requires power tools ( not electric drill)
Finances/ Paperwork (8 items)
16. Earn $1001 by myself ($1.30/$1001)
17. Document $500 in discounts and coupon savings ($306.58/$500)
18. Update wills
19. Complete ICE files / “Love Drawer”
20. Get a GOOD firesafe or safety deposit box at the bank
21. Write and MAIL 50 Christmas Cards
22. Start a family journal of funny anecdotes
23. Set up a Birthday card file
Food/ cooking (9 items)
24. Cook 20 different crockpot meals (1/20)
Chicken Cacciatore
25. Cook meal with all home grown, caught or hunted ingredients
26. Learn to can tomatoes and other homegrown items
27. Fully stock the BIG basement freezer
28. Cook Julia Child's Beef Bourguignon while wearing pearls
29. Bake a loaf of bread from scratch ( home churned butter?)
30. Feed the family with only $150 for one month
31. Give up soda for 3 months
32. Try 5 new local restaurants
Community Service/ Going Green (11 items 1 complete!)
33. Donate blood or platelets 10 times ( 0/10)
34. Put out only 1 bag of garbage for the week on 50 weeks (2/50)
35. Bring cloth bags to the store 100 times (5/100)
36. Hang dry ALL laundry for an entire week
37. 24 hour “blackout” 4 times a year (0/11)
38. Participate in a Habitat for Humanity Project
39. Have a Home Energy Audit 8/26/2009
40. Implement some suggestions from Home Energy Audit
41. Do 15 Random Acts of Kindness (0/15)
42. Give 101 items to Good Will (20/101)
43. Keep a houseplant alive for 12 months (0/12) Start date Sept 10, 2009
Crafts (7 items)
44. Finish 5 previously started projects (1/5)
Snack bags for craft fair
45. Make a quilt for a new baby
46. Get the prepetual calendar 365 knitting stitches a year and test ALL of them (0/365)
47. Set up my craft room
48. Do a “Day in the life” Photo documentary 12 time (0/12)
49. Take Alphabet Photographs (0/26)
50. Update photos in family collage
Worst Case Scenario / Survival Skills (7 items)
51. Learn to fire a gun
52. Start a fire with out matches
53. Prepare family “Go Bags”
54. Take a wilderness Survival course
55. Become proficient with a sling shot
56. Create an EXCELLENT First Aid Kit
57. Read about 5 different conspiracy theories (0/5)
Culture and Arts (6 items)
58. See Spamalot on Broadway
59. See 5 plays at local theaters (0/5)
60. Read 20 books (1/20)
~No More Mondays by Dan Miller 8/20/2009
~The Road by
61. See a movie at midnight on opening night
62. DVD Marathon TV series or Movie Sequels
63. Invite adult friends /family over for the evening
Health and Beauty (14 items 2 complete!)
64. Do 20 pushups in a row (6/20)
65. Have a Green Smoothie for 30 CONSECUTIVE days (8/30)
66. Drink a cup of tea each day in a quiet place
67. Buy exercise shoes 9/10/2009
68. Wear out those exercise shoes
69. Schedule an annual physical
70. Visit a chiropractor 8/20/09
71. Walk a half marathon
72. Complete a skin care regimen for 28 days document results (0/28)
73. Get a professional manicure
74. Have eyebrows professionally waxed
75. Take vitamins for a whole month (0/30)
76. Do a 48 hour liquid fast 3 times (0/3)
77. Get Strider to sleep in his OWN bed all night (2 nights )
Travel (6 items)
78. Visit family in Arizona
79. Get a passport
80. Take a cruise for our 15th wedding anniversary ( November 2010)
81. Go white water rafting
82. Take a mystery trip with Paul
83. Go on a girls only vacation
Random Games and Diversions (13 items)
84. Catch a fish
85. Go on a roller coaster
86. Win a contest
87. Sleep under the stars ( summer)
88. Sleep in an igloo (winter)
89. Stay up all night
90. Play 10 games of billiards (2/10)
91. Learn to juggle ~ 3 balls in the air for minimum of 3 minutes
92. Go to the movies alone
93. Make a music video
94. Learn how to back into the garage
95. Design a new tattoo
96. Perfect making a frozen hot chocolate (see number 97)
Things to buy (5 items)
97. Heavy Duty Blender
98. Buy a matching bra and panty set
99. Buy an entire outfit at the thrift shop
100. Go Garage Sale -ing and hit 10 sales in one weekend
101. Have a Fun Family portrait framed